values despite anger imageShow Notes: Angry Parents Part 2 Acting inline with values despite anger

In Angry Parents Part 1, Dr Koa Whittingham (Parenting from the Heart – introduced us to how Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) techniques and principles can help us to manage our anger when our kids press our buttons. Although there are ways to minimise anger, we can never get rid of it completely and forever. Our aim instead is to recognise but not be consumed by our anger such that we can act inline with our values despite anger.


  • Getting into the habit of mindfulness.
    • Formal, structured practice, e.g. guided mindfulness (see below), or yoga class.
    • Reminders around daily activities.
    • Can mindfully do anything.
  • How can we use this in the crucial situations (e.g. one child hurting the other).
    • It is difficult and needs practice.
    • Practice mindfulness when calm (there is a mindfulness exercise included in this podcast).
    • Mindful focus on the present.
    • Decide how you want to react to critical situations and practice it. Practice by yourself, so when you are angry you can draw on that practiced response.
    • Look for the pattern in difficult behaviour and try to prevent it.
  • Resources


For more great resources on Mindfulness and ACT for parents, check out thes links:

This is the second Episode in the series, here are links to the rest of the series:

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