Help your sleep deprived friends

I’m so glad that you really liked the Sleep Options Wizard Guided course! I want to help more parents like you to realise that they have options. So they don’t feel trapped in sleep deprivation or bedtime struggles.

Can you think of any friends who might benefit from the Sleep Options Wizard (for 0-5 year olds), guided course, or consultancy?

If you can think of any friends who might want to know about this, I’ve made it easy to share with them. Below you will find a draft email, Facebook share, and link to Twitter share. Of course you can write your own if you have time and inclination. Or you can gift the Sleep Options Wizard.

Thanks again, I really appreciate your help getting the word out there.



(Dr Nicole Weeks from Practical Research Parenting)



I just found a great tool for fixing sleep problems in kids. It’s an interactive online tool, and it gives you suggestions to help your child learn to sleep better. It’s good for night wakings, extended night wakings, night terrors, difficulties settling, waking early, and transitions (e.g. cot to bed, or co-sleeping to cot).

I found it really helpful! I took the Guided version. Here’s the link:

I hope you’re well.



Child sleep issues anyone? I just found the Sleep Options Wizard for 0-5 year olds. Really useful, gentle, tailored sleep suggestions for night wakings, extended night wakings, night terrors, difficulties settling, waking early, and transitions (e.g. cot to bed, or co-sleeping to cot). The guided options really helped. Check it out:


Tweet: Child sleep issues anyone? Check out the Sleep Options Wizard for 0-5 year olds.

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