by Nicole Weeks | Oct 23, 2014 | Baby, Blog, Development, Sleep, Toddler |
Sarah Ockwell-Smith wrote a deep, well researched article on self settling here. I agree with a lot, but not all that she says. Here are my thoughts: “Babies are no more capable of self settling than they are of riding a bike. Self soothing is not something you... by Nicole Weeks | Oct 10, 2014 | Baby, Blog, Preschooler, Sleep, Toddler |
I had a lot of success using the techniques outlined in the “Dream Baby Guide” by Sheyne Rowley. When Alex was 6 months old, using one week of preparation as detailed in the book, then implementing a new routine, Alex went from waking and feeding 3 times a... by Nicole Weeks | Aug 25, 2014 | Baby, Blog, Sleep, Toddler |
Don’t feed or rock your baby to sleep is common advice. A new take on the same theory suggests that this advice is flawed. As detailed here, the dominant theory is that feeding or rocking can become associated with sleep. The concern is that the parent is then... by Nicole Weeks | Jul 17, 2014 | Blog, Sleep |
I have a newborn. I remember the enduring sleep deprivation from last time. What can I do from birth to get back to sleeping sooner? Elizabeth Pantley’s No-Cry Sleep Solution recommends specific strategies for meeting baby and family sleep needs from birth. They fit...