Episode | Title | Show notes | Transcript |
PR-P 001 | Baby sleep (or lack of). Research findings for normal 0-12 month olds. | Show notes | Transcript |
PR-P 002 | Sleep Associations. | Show notes | Transcript |
PR-P 003 | 5 Research-Backed Sleep Training Methods. | Show notes | Transcript |
PR-P 004 | Bed Time Routine Modelling. | Show notes | Transcript |
PR-P 005 | Baby emotion management – Interpreting Emotions. | Show notes | Transcript |
PR-P 006 | Emotional regulation, helicopter parenting, and sleep. | Show notes | Transcript |
PR-P 007 | A Sensible Sleep Solution with Associate Professor Sarah Blunden Part 1. | Show notes | Transcript |
Note: The podcast is continuing, but I have discontinued typing up transcripts because no-one was looking at them. If you would like me to start providing transcripts again, please let me know via email. If there is enough interest, I will start investing my time in transcipts again.