Is this the right book for you?

If your baby or child is resistant and upset at bed time, and takes ages to fall asleep, this book will give you evidence-based options to identify the issue, and help your child fall asleep more peacefully.

Good reasons to choose this book

  • By the time I finally get my child to sleep I’m exhausted. I don’t have energy or time for me or my partner at night anymore.
  • My child is going to sleep so late, that s/he’s not getting enough sleep, but won’t sleep any earlier.
  • Bedtime is a really unpleasant, stressful time for me.

This book is a good fit for you

Do the following also apply to you…

  • I stay with my child until s/he sleeps but this isn’t working for me anymore.

Some of the techniques in this book are likely to help. Also consider adding the Gentle Sleep Options – Self Settling book to the bundle for additional tailored approaches.

  • Bedtime struggles started when we changed where our child slept.

Some of the techniques in this book are likely to help. Consider adding the Sleep Options Transitioning from Co-Sleeping to Solo-Sleeping  or the Sleep Options – Transitioning from cot to bed book to the bundle.

  • My child takes a long time to fall asleep and then wakes me up frequently at night.

Suggestions in this book can create a more peaceful bedtime, which is related to better night-time sleep. Also consider adding the Sleep Options – Night waking book for suggestions tailored to night-waking issues.

  • My child also wakes up way too early.

Consider adding the Sleep Options – Waking Early book.

  • My child starts screaming after falling asleep.

If your child is sleep deprived when s/he falls asleep, this increases the likelihood of night terrors. Helping your child sleep earlier might help. Also consider adding the Sleep Options – Nightmares, night terrors, and body rocking book.

  • My child has medical issues (reflux, sleep apnoea, developmental delays etc)

While you might find this book helpful, it does not specifically address medical issues, please ask your medical specialist for sleep recommendations.