Toilet Training

What makes potty training such a big topic though is the power play that often arises. I researched motivation and applied it to toilet training here: “How to Potty Train without the Power Play”.
Finally, after I’d been there myself, I collated strategies that worked well for us and fit with the previous two research-based posts in “Potty Training Tips and Tools from Experience”.
For a great, research-based assessment of toilet training approaches see “Potty Training Techniques” from Gwen Dewar at Parenting Science.
You can also sign up here for a potty training chart, and an email round up of great potty training tips from around the web.
Potty training tips and tools from experience
I went into potty training armed with the research into physical aspects of potty training and theory behind the motivation. I have come out with practical potty training tips and tools that for us, worked really well. This is a bit of a different post, because it is...
How to potty train without the power play
I realised that in my last potty training post I focused on the physical aspects of potty training and neglected the psychological, motivational aspects - which is silly given that is one of my areas of expertise. Apart from the sickness that put Alex in hospital for...