Record your question for Developmental Psychologist, Dr Ashley Soderlund

Do you have any questions about child development? For example: “Is it fair to expect my x year old to do y?” “What predicts optimal development?” “What can I do about my child’s challenging behaviours?”, “My child has started doing x. Is this normal at this age? What should I do?”

I am looking forward to asking Dr Ashley Soderlund from Nurture and Thrive Blog a range of questions. Ashley is a developmental psychologist whom I have a lot of respect for. I found her through her blog and was impressed by the evidence-based information and advice. If you have any questions you would like me to ask, you can record your question below, or email me. Please note that your voice recording or text might be used in my podcast. We may not be able to answer all questions, but we will try.

If you can’t see the “Start recording” button above after waiting a little while for it to load, or if you have any troubles, please let me know!

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