Sleep Options Wizard: Sleep solutions tailored to your situation, and your baby, toddler, or preschooler

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Sleep Options Wizard For 0-5 Year Olds ImageTake steps towards solving your child’s behavioural sleep issues now. The Sleep Options Wizard specialises in addressing bed-time struggles, night-wakings, extended night wakings, waking too early, and transitioning to a bed or a separate room. Suggestions are tailored to your child’s age, your situation, and your family. Answer the Wizard’s questions about your child’s sleep, and your family preferences, and he will give you suggestions on the spot.

[purchase_link id=”1413″ text=”BUY NOW” style=”button” color=”green”](Australian Dollars)

I promise to donate $1 in every $20 earned on this Sleep Option Wizard to Pencils of Promise. Buying the Sleep Options Wizard helps you and helps empower the next generation through education.

No single sleep solution works for every child and every family. The Sleep Options Wizard gives options and hope to sleep deprived parents. Please watch the video below for details on how it works. In a nutshell, you answer a series of questions (about 10 minutes), then you get a series of suggested sleep solutions that may help your child, and you, to get more sleep. I have tried to cater for all parenting approaches, whether you want to share a bed, share a room, or sleep separately, I hope there will be suggestions to help you and your child to get more sleep.

If there are no sleep solutions you haven’t tried, I’ll give you your money back.

Here is what you need to know:

  • This sleep decision guide is for parents of 0-5 year olds with behavioural sleep issues.
  • You’ll be asked to answer questions (about 10 minutes) then you’ll be given suggestions based on your answers (10-20 mins).
  • Please answer for only one child at a time.
  • You can save and continue by re-clicking the link in your email.
  • The Wizard is mobile-responsive.
  • You will receive an email copy of your sleep solutions after you complete the Wizard.
  • The more questions you answer, the more sensible your suggestions will be.
  • The focus is on gentle, evidence-based approaches.

There are 4 parts to the Sleep Options Wizard:

  1. Questions about your child (10 mins)
  2. Suggestions
  3. Short list (Suggestions you chose to try)
  4. Feedback

An email with your suggestions will be sent to you after you complete all 4 sections.

Click here to see what is new in Version 1.0
  1. I’ve fixed up the bugs in assessing self-settling ability, feedback on this should now be much more detailed, helpful, and accurate.
  2. I’ve added pictures and a video, and converted a lot of the stats into graphics.
  3. You get to choose what methods you get more information on, so you don’t have to read about methods you’ve already tried.
  4. If you’ve already tried methods, you get asked follow up questions, and provided with trouble shooting ideas, or alternatives that may fit you and your child better.
  5. The wizard is more tailored, including referring to your child by name (or initials or nickname if you’d prefer).
  6. Links included throughout the suggestions are now summarised at the end (for the suggestions you intend to try/follow up).
  7. The wizard now gives more appropriate suggestions for older and younger children.
  8. References are at the end rather than throughout.
  9. I’ve incorporated information on when children tend to drop all daytime naps.
  10. I’ve added in some new approaches.
For the full information and consent form click here. You will have to agree to these conditions to complete the sleep options wizard, so they are worth reading in advance.
Welcome, and thank you for choosing to use my sleep options wizard.  Before you start, there are some things you should know.


  1. To help sleep deprived parents improve their family’s quality and quantity of sleep.
  2. Provide options for managing 0-5 year olds’ sleep.

To get the most out of this:

  • Answer for only one child at a time.

Medical Conditions:

  • This tool will not help you to detect or treat medical conditions that might be affecting sleep.
  • If you suspect a medical condition see your doctor or pediatrician for more specific advice before implementing sleep suggestions.


  1. Answer questions (about 5-10 minutes)
  2. Receive suggestions based on your answers (10-20 mins).
  3. Read the summary of suggestions you chose to try including links.
  4. Provide feedback (thank you).
  5. Receive email PDF of all pages (only sent when you have completed all pages).

The more answers you give, the more suitable the suggestions are likely to be. These are suggestions only. You should use your common sense, and seek help from a doctor or pediatrician if needed. The suggestions you receive will rarely take into account any text answers you enter, but these will help us to improve the product for future.

Privacy: Your email address will be used to send a copy of your suggestions to you, possibly to respond to your text comments, follow up on your progress, or to let you know about further sleep resources as they become available. You will be able to unsubscribe at any time. I will not share your email address with anyone, or spam you.

Affiliate links: At times I do provide Affiliate links. If you buy products via these links I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only include links to products that I genuinely think may help you. As with any purchase, please shop around and consider borrowing options before buying.

Confidentiality: I may examine the data, and publish collated averages and percentages on my site, or elsewhere. No individuals will be identified in any publication of the results. Any information or personal details gathered in the course of this Wizard are confidential, except as required by law. Be aware that, as a psychologist practicing in NSW, Australia, I am bound by mandatory reporting obligations.

Contact: This Sleep Options Wizard was prepared by Nicole Weeks (PhD in Psychology, MAPS) from Practical Research Parenting (

Voluntary participation: Participation is entirely voluntary and you are free to withdraw at any time without having to give a reason and without consequence.

Agreement: By clicking NEXT below, you are affirming your willingness to participate. You understand that your participation is entirely voluntary. You have read and understood this information and have a copy of it in the email I sent you.

[purchase_link id=”1413″ text=”BUY NOW” style=”button” color=”green”](Australian Dollars)

You can also give this Sleep Options Wizard as a gift, provided in a customisable email to your friend.

[purchase_link id=”1535″ text=”GIFT NOW” style=”button” color=”blue”](Australian Dollars)

Sleep Options Wizard ImagePlease leave an honest review below. I really appreciate your feedback.





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